Fleas – What You Need To Know

Fleas - What You Need To Know

Common Flea Misconceptions

I still see fleas.

The product isn’t working- Again, no product is a force field. The fleas must jump on the pet before they die. Be patient, and also be sure to explore all avenues to make sure you have not missed any steps (i.e., you are only treating one pet out of three).

He’s indoors/ the fleas are only in my yard.

Usually, an indoor environment is much more hospitable to developing fleas than outdoors. Flea eggs are deposited wherever the pet goes. If the pet is inside, so are the fleas, eggs, larvae, and pupae!

I have to bathe him (with flea shampoo) to get the fleas off.

While bathing is effective temporarily, it is detrimental to an overall flea program. A flea bath will kill fleas on the pet while the shampoo is in contact only. There is no residual effect. Therefore, the fleas will resume feeding and reproducing once the pet is put back in the environment (without another form of flea control). Additionally, if a pet is on a topical flea control (ie: Advantage Multi, K-9 advantix), the bathing (and swimming) will reduce the product’s effectiveness over time and may strip the product off completely.

In this case, the bath is doing more harm than good. If you must bathe your pet you should:
  1. Use a “soap-free” shampoo.
  2. Bathe as infrequently as possible.
  3. Wait 2 days before/ 2 days after a bath to apply a topical.
  4. Use an oral flea prevention if possible (Trifexis or Comfortis)- Bathing and swimming do not change the efficacy of these products.

They aren’t biting me.

Fleas are host-specific; they prefer to be on a dog/cat/other animal host. Fleas seen on people usually have just emerged and are looking for an animal host.

He isn’t scratching.

Not all dogs and cats are allergic. When fleas bite, they inject saliva into the host animal. Some animals are allergic to saliva and react by itching and scratching (often near the base of the tail). These flea bites may bother an afflicted pet for several weeks, and even a single bite can give an allergic pet a severe reaction. A related misconception is that the animal must have live fleas to scratch. Remember that the animal is allergic to saliva and not the flea itself. Again, if you have one allergic dog and two that are not, all three still need to be treated to eliminate the reproducing flea population in the environment. Conversely, it is important to remember that not all itchy animals have fleas. Fleas are one of many reasons a pet can be itchy, and a veterinarian should determine if flea allergy is the cause.

I only have to use flea control in the summertime.

Flea eggs are laid wherever the pet goes… including indoors. This means that fleas can survive all winter long. Also, NC never gets cold enough to entirely kill off flea populations in the winter.

What You Should Do to Protect Your Pet from Fleas

Things to consider:

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